In speaking to a friend who I know that Integrative Digestive Formula Reviewtakes time every few weeks to juice fast, she informed me that she never felt as healthy as she was right before her gall bladder surgery. Due to gall bladder disease, she had been restricted to a no-fat diet for 6 weeks prior to the surgery and this steered her to juicing. She lost weight, felt energetic and clear-headed and her skin was glowing!
The good news is you do not have to be sick or recovering from anything to treat yourself to an easy 3-6 day juice fast. You do not need a prescription (though following a recommended regiment is often helpful), or time off from work. You do need a juicer, or at least a blender. But really, a juicer is best. There is a myriad of information about juicing in libraries and on the web. Also, many health food stores and food co-ops have books and pamphlets on juicing.
Using organic, farm-fresh produce is highly recommended since you will also be ingesting everything raw. The trick of each diet is to discover for yourself which base juices you most enjoy. Then you can start using recipes until you are ready to experiment on your own. You can begin juicing before the actual fast so that you know what ingredients to have in the house. Options are always good so you want to have plenty of carrots and apples on hand at all times. After that, you will quickly become accustomed to knowing whether you want sweet or savory at any given time of day.