He knows what is there, but you have to Meditation In A Bottle unload it if you want victory. He cannot do that for you.Confess known sin. I John 1:9. When we have been unjustly treated, we do not feel there is anything for us to confess. We excuse ourselves from responsibility. But we are responsible for the emotions the pain has caused us and for the lack of trust that it has brought us to as a result. Whatever you vomited on God in point, recognize the negative emotions the pain caused and confess them. Hatred, bitterness, jealousy, anger, cynicism, distrust, skepticism, worry, anxiety, depression, disbelief- none of those emotions are from God. They are negative emotions that torment our hearts. Do not justify them! Let them go!Forgive. The offender, God, yourself, others Forgiveness is an act of the will.
It is a decision not a feeling. Forgiveness does not exempt the other person from receiving justice, it simply relieves you of the burden of exacting the justice yourself and allows God to deal with them in His way, in His time. "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, and I will repay." Believe Him and let it go!Erase the Pain. Ps. 51:10. This if the most difficult step because there is a feeling that if we ask God to erase the pain then we will never be vindicated for the way we have been treated. If you outwardly forgive but inwardly continue to harbor negative emotions, you may have forgiven the offender but you are not trusting that God will vindicate you. You are choosing to become your own defense attorney and keep the evidence so you can remind God that He hasn't come through yet.
This is wrong and is evidence of lack of trust. It is essential that you let go of the evidence and ask God to erase the pain of the memory. Ask Him to not let your mind instantly replay it or associate it with other similar wrongs again.Access the Fruit of the Spirit. Gal. There are 9 fruits of God's Holy Spirit that you have access to any time you need them. The Bible says against such there is no law. In other words, ask and He will give, no strings attached. Any one of those 9 fruits will combat any negative emotion that you are dealing with. You do not have to fight this battle alone! I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.