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A Healthy Diet Is Still The Key To Weight Loss

Excess fat leads to obesity which invitesOkinawa Flat Belly Tonic Review many chronic diseases. A minimum level of fat is required by the body to function properly but when there is huge accumulation of it, it is stored in various parts of the body and then starts to harm it rather than help. Obesity is a problem that is being seen in many today. Even children are not being spared from its adverse effects. Thus we need to lose excess weight for our well being.

Over-weight leads to many diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and breathing problem. You feel lethargic and show a very low energy level all the time. You are easily tired and not able to work efficiently. Excess weight leads to depression sometimes. The excess fat makes you less attractive and you tend to lose the confidence.

There is a minimum nutrient and vitamin requirement of the body according to each body type. When this required level is increased due to excess food intake or not doing enough physical activities to burn the calories, it results in fat accumulation. Thus this is not at all healthy for the body and it restricts you to enjoy life to the fullest.