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Gemstone information and identifcation chart
- Ask yourself if the area is rounded like rings on a seashell (conchoidal), straight "Cleavage" refers to the way a crystal breaks. If there are chips along to surface, examine the area inside the chips. If not, you will need to strike the gemstone hard enough to break it. like steps, granular, splintery, or uneven.
- If the stone can be scratched, it is softer than the substance you scratched it with. If the stone cannot be scratched, it is harder than the substance.
- Some stones are physically harder than others, and hardness is usually measured by the Mohs' Scale. Use the various substances provided in a hardness kit to scratch the surface of the gemstone.
- To test streak, drag the stone across a ceramic plate. Compare the streak left behind to the streaks illustrated on a streak chart. Read More