The Garden Trash Sack cuttings were still pre-treated with a growth hormone.
This method seems to work best on plants with fine leaves like melaleucas, callistemons and chamelauciums.
Plants with larger leaves, like correas still have to be stripped, but it also has the advantage of saving time, so as well as getting better results, twice as much work can be done.
Different species adapt to different strengths of hormone.
A liquid hormone with IBA Indolebutyric acid and napthaleneacetic acid works well, at about 500 ppm.Rockwool, a foam based product, is being used as the striking medium where root disturbance should be kept to a minimum to ensure the successful growing on of some plants.
Roots are easily established in the porous material and it can easily be broken apart and planted directly into potting soil.
Cold storage treatment is another technique used on some seeds.
This stratification method seems to speed up and even out the germination process in some varieties.
Bursaria spinosa Christmas Bush will set seed in February/March, which is collected and cleaned and is placed in the freezer for 4 to 6 weeks and then they are sown.
The same process is used on Callitris gracilis Native Pine. It is emulating the frosty cold conditions that the plants go through in Garden Shoes and Grip winter.