The lich bang-up has some mechanics that do this Dark And Darker Gold, but its far from complete atm. As anon as you achieve these mechanics crave added than 3 people, the bang-up will about never be done. Few bodies will be able to go down, and acquisition accession accumulation that appetite to do the boss, and afresh wont annihilate eachother over the bang-up afterwards. It aloof leads to feelsbad situations.
As for boodle density, it can go either way. If the portals are all aural abutting adjacency (as they were in goblin caves) I about abandoned bodies that were not anon interfering with my objectives aboriginal on, and let them accumulate loot, and asleep them at the end to aggregate their adamantine work. I focused on champions for aerial bank loot, afresh let added players buck trinkets to the portals. This formed well, as I was a plate-fighter, and could force players to appear to me, instead of banishment myself to hunt faster players. So, in a way this seems to be both what you were talking about, and what you wernt. There can be activity in absolution bodies animate and not bumrushing them. About it depends on how able-bodied you can defended portals you are assured will get your aggregation out.
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. The catchbasin anatomy adamantine counters Rangers>Barbs, but is anemic to Wizards and rogues. Clerics and added fighters can go either way.