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The fun in NBA 2K23 doesn't stop with MyCareer

Submitted by Sagelucy on Thu, 08/04/2022 - 21:26

A majority of Nba 2k23 mt the on-court enhancements and off-court actions of NBA 2K23 make for great recreation and fun, with a particular emphasis on the new seasonal quest features that give players plenty of motivation to play in the different modes, especially head-tohead matches.

The one drawback is the enormous size of the two hubs. They both The City on current-gen and The Neighborhood (a huge cruise ship) on previous-gen are filled with activities. Still, those activities are also spread out over an inordinately large space.

Even with skateboards or bikes players will spend just every minute navigating The City as they do playing basketball, and while both hubs are attractive yet it's somewhat of a waste of time.

The fun in NBA 2K23 doesn't stop with MyCareer. There are new enhancements to MyTeam, with badges that can be used with cards similar to badges found in other 2K modes to create a wider array of lineups and playing styles. The changes also apply regarding Unlimited as well as Limited competitive modes.

A new Draft mode, and a new mode called The 100. Unfortunately, all these modes appear to be sloppy and don't add anything new to the competitive table. It's also mostly in these models that the microtransactions that are present in NBA 2K23 really show.

When trying to get into game play in MyCareer without spending money can be a challenge, NBA games and training can give at a minimum a quick boost to that project if they are done right. In MyTeam, the lack of depth in the competitive mode makes playing against players who have spent money on Buy Nba 2k23 mt packs that much more difficult. This makes the single-player modes far more attractive.