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FIFA 17: TOTS Di Maria is My Lucky Star

Submitted by supodum on Tue, 06/28/2016 - 23:50

When we met, I was dealing with just having sold my NIF Messi. I was all jazzed about the fitness glitch and was ready to make a commitment to some solid in-forms. I always thought you were out of my league, but then I saw that you were going for around 240K. Expensive, yeah, but I was ready to take a risk on a new relationship.

And what a ride we've been on! I know it's not much to brag about, but before you joined my squad, I was stuck in Div 4 for weeks. Now we're in Div 2, and it's because of you. Remember when we were once again playing one of those safe defense/high pressure guys and you nailed that long shot right before half? Or remember when you did a perfect back-heel assist to Aguero and all I had to do was press "Y"? But honestly, it's the little things that I like the most about you, like how you constantly win the ball back and run down midfielders.

Now, I keep hearing how you're not really as good as you seem. That you only get 4 chem, or maybe 6, no matter where you play. Were you lying to me all this time? I know that nobody's perfect, but is this true?

On second second thought, I don't want to know. I've seen what you can do, and chem or no chem, you're the best!
TOTS Di Maria--you'll always be my Angel.

POSTSCRIPT: I've only spent a moderate amount of money on points this year. I've never had much luck packing cool cards. But I have spent a ton (A TON) of my time working out squads so that the chemistry aligns. I hope that we learn more soon, but if the chem glitch is a real thing (whether intentional or not), I can't see myself buying FIFA 17 and cheap fifa 17 coins unless it's been addressed. A word to the wise, make sure you keep those email confirmations from when you bought FIFA points.