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Exercise at home: keys to take advantage of the time and not disturb your neighbors

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Submitted by mayajustin on Tue, 02/23/2021 - 01:41

Since confinement, many people have decided to do sports at home to save the gym, what can we do if we live in an apartment and someone complains?
If you live in the city center or simply in a block of flats, it is very possible that if you exercise at home many of your neighbors will end up complaining about the noise. Since the confinement caused by the coronavirus, there have been many prohibitions to prevent contagion and the spread of the disease, among which were the closure of closed places such as gyms, where the danger of transmission is evident.
In fact, according to a study presented by EuropeActive, an association of the fitness sector in Europe, and prepared by the Rey Juan Carlos University and the Awrc-Sheffield Hallam Faculty, the infection rate in gyms in Europe is only 0.78 per every 100,000 visits; there were only 487 positives last October.
Despite this, many prefer to continue exercising in a more comfortable way from home, as they prefer not to risk contagion or having it closed again. Thus, thousands of people have become used to doing sports in their room or living room since March, but there are some setbacks that were not expected. If you live in a chalet on the outskirts it is very possible that nobody will complain if you jump every day or have loud music, but what if you are in a flat? Maybe your colleagues or your neighbors have something to say.
Exercise without noise
No, it was not a lightning bolt splitting the roof that sounded or a drill that is going to penetrate the ceiling of your room. If you haven't heard it, you may be the one who caused that noise while doing burpees, jump squats, or whatever physical exercise you can do at home if you live in an apartment and have people living below it. Is it possible to continue doing sports without disturbing anyone? The truth is that yes, but you have to do something on your part and be aware of where you are.
First of all, look for low-impact physical activities, something that will also benefit your knees and, although it seems like it, it has nothing to do with less effort. They receive this name because they are designed to minimize the damage we can cause to our joints and bones. They are performed without jumps and always one of our feet remains in contact with the ground or with a pedal. For example, the spinning is and is far from low intensity.
It is certainly a way to get in shape that can complete any routine. In fact, there are numerous low-impact cardio exercises that are just as effective at losing weight as the others and will help you maintain and build muscle mass.
Which? For example, front kick back lunges, squats, deadlifts or climber. If you do them at a certain speed and with enough repetitions, your heart rate will increase. What you would have to do is add more resistance, so using resistance bands or dumbbells would increase your heart rate and compensate for the fact that you are not jumping.
If you still want to keep jumping, try to land more slowly. Always imagine that there is a baby in the room and you do not want to wake him up, so if you are doing squat jumps, try that when your feet reach the floor it is calm. It's actually a lot harder on the body this way, so it makes your workout more difficult. Another thing that you should put into practice is buying a good mat. Exercising on it or putting a folded towel underneath to muffle the noise is key to not disturbing anyone.
You should also get rid of the sneakers. It is better to be barefoot because it is more challenging and helps you control the landing better by using more muscles in the ankle and foot. Your calves may hurt more the next day and the bridges in your feet may bother you somewhat, as you are activating muscles that normally don't get that opportunity.
Low music and good equipment
When we are in the gym in a group class we motivate ourselves with loud music, but remember that at home, and depending on the time, it is not a good idea to have it very loud. Buy yourself some headphones or moderate the intensity of the sound of your equipment so that nobody is disturbed.
A treadmill can be loud, but you may be able to invest in a rowing machine, an exercise bike, or a set of dumbbells. Also, remember that each person has different abilities, so the exercise should be progressive. Set some goals and set about three one-minute rounds. Do everything you can and add more series little by little. If you are determined to build a home gym, the best equipment will be the one that you actually use. However, if you think you are going to invest in something that will remain an ornament, perhaps it is best to make your own weights with liter bottles of water or take things that you have and can use, but be careful when leaving them on the ground to avoid a rumble.
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