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Does Individual Behaviour Affect The Outcome Of Child Custody Dispute?

Binoye Jos's picture
Submitted by Binoye Jos on Thu, 12/17/2020 - 18:05

Cases of child custody will always be intense, fraught affairs. It is imperative for you, though, to attempt to keep matters polite. A break-up or a divorce may be the factors for the need for a custody dispute. However, regardless of the situation, you need to concentrate on ensuring that the process takes proper care of children.

In reality, the reason you broke up will have a bearing on how amicable or otherwise the child custody procedures will be. As it affects how you feel about your ex, & that means that you will behave differently around them. That is understandable, but you should nevertheless try not to harvest any bad feelings & keep things as low key as possible, if only for the child/children's sake. One of the best ways to keep things civilized between yourself & your ex is to focus on trying to keep emotion out of the picture & instead concentrate on the practicalities of what lies ahead.

There are many different practical matters to consider. It certainly does you no good if all of your attention is focused on feeling bitter towards your ex-partner & not getting the best possible deal for you & your children. Keeping matters civilized, of course, easier said than done, but you should nevertheless attempt to keep matters friendly, which will be fitting for your children & also better for you in the long run.

Look no further than Jos Family Law, the Best Child Custody Attorney in Orange County, when you are looking for an attorney who recognizes the pain, the struggles, and what it requires to fight for the rights of your family in a child custody matter. In addition, you will be able to find out how we have helped others in related situations such as your own, how we can assist you, and the best subsequent steps. Contact Mr. Binoye Jos at 1-714-733-7066 for a free initial consultation.