Surely we all fear death. But apart The Vibration Jump Method from the transition moment - that might involve pain - we have an eternal home to look forward to, where we are citizens who will belong like we have never belonged before.Today's main question posed to me for an answer is neither easy nor hard. It is more challenging than 'easy' or 'hard'! What do I mean by that and what does this mean for the one asking the question? So you want to know the question. Let me first of all say "Thank you", and express appreciation, to the person who raised this vital issue.How do I become a believer in God and how do we become sons of God? This is perhaps the most fundamental matter of life. If I get this one wrong then most other things will be wrong or at least inadequate and unsatisfying.
You asked if that first Chapter in the Gospel of John is of real help in this matter? Of course it is but we need to go just a little bit further and deal with the question as it appears in the book of Acts. In the Gospel of John, in Chapter 3, we read about the important of being 'born again', and Jesus Christ, the Son of god, mentions that three times in a few sentences, so it was important to Jesus.In John Chapter one, there is a clear reference to those who received Him, and who believed in His Name, He gave the right to become children of God. That is so true, but does that not refer to those who received Jesus when Jesus was walking around and with us physically on the earth.
There is something different but very clear and simple in the book of Acts. When we read of people coming to real saving faith in Jesus Christ there were various important things happened.Men and women, having come to believe in Jesus and to believe who Jesus Christ was, the risen and living Son of God, responded in very specific ways and what they did is important. Was this not how they came into the Church of Jesus Christ?