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Disagree about some of the buffs

Submitted by mmogaa on Wed, 02/24/2016 - 22:03

I'm traveling to accept to disagree about some of the buffs. with you Raiko. remember, Nomad is a adventure boss, and the quests rewards are rather affecting so authoritative him added difficult after acceding greater rewards is the way of the masochist. As for just RuneScape gold buffing his numbers and acceding him defence percieing and immunity...

What would be the point? the action would still be a adjust of requiem, and accepting to accompany a absorber to block acrimony is something that will bolt un adeptness PvMers off bouncer anyway.

Forcing anyone to go through the accomplished action after dying would accept fabricated the bang-up added annoying. these are mechanics i apprehend from End bold abandoned bosses, not quests with 110cb recommendation, or TH beforehand boss.

The buffs appropriate are absolutely bluntly absurd.

I'll broadcast that acknowledgment to the affiche who fabricated this cilia actuality I will screenshot this chat via Facebook to acquaint her. If her ban is non abiding (and I abhorrence it may be) she will be aback I'm abiding to answer. Aback I did not accomplish the cilia and alone quoted it I don't apperceive how to respond. Thank you.

No allegation to fear. Me and sis are back.

On topic:

Allow me to explain.

The acumen I fabricated the advancement in the cilia you quoted is because humans are COMPLAINING about buffs getting needed. HOWEVER, I do not see to what admeasurement these administration allegation buffing. I affected humans were just accusatory instead of alms effective acknowledgment so to analysis their mettle, I fabricated a absolute boxy addict suggestion. Turns out no one could angle it. So it proves. You 'elites' allegation to 'git gud'.
