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The Difference between Marketing and Selling Explained

"Sales and marketing are intertwined fields of an organization; both are equally important. They have their own agendas and working procedures, which make them quite distinct from each other. Also, the roles that the team members undertake are often poles apart.

Sometimes the top management fails to understand and define sales and marketing, and then a conflict of interest occurs in the organization. To ensure that both sales and marketing carry on their work efficiently and get all the resources they need, it is vital for the organizational heads to first distinguish between marketing and selling.

Today, we will learn the definition of sales and marketing and discuss the points that make them different.

Understanding Sales or ‘Selling’ 
In simple terms, the action of selling something is called sales. In any industrial setup, the sales procedure is vast and covers multiple aspects. Sales include all the activities involved in selling your service or product to a consumer.

Closing a sales deal is not a single task; it involves multiple steps, such as sourcing prospects, creating and maintaining relationships with them, offering guidance, and convincing them to purchase your product.."