Dcroft choked. Didn't have a pass attempt until like 30 seconds left in the 3rd. Mind you he called maybe 6 passing plays before that and required 5 sacks and kept running the exact same play with the very same adjustments. Madden nfl is trash.Yeah Madden nfl is clearly broken but man did Dcroft choke, appeared so scared to even try and throw the ball, and walked his QB out of Mut 20 coins pockets into defenders right and left. I was amazed that the commentators n't mentioned how bad his pocket existence was. He seemed like a rookie runs right into a blocked d lineman and QB out.
T has become more broken since then. It's only a disgrace. This is exactly what happens when there's no rivalry. EA does not have to do anything to improve Madden nfl because there's no other NFL game! They can literally copy/paste Madden nfl and it would sell tens of millions every year. It'a because individuals are drawn to MUT and new rosters. This's their selling points each year, and they make income through microtransactions than through sales of Madden nfl.
He exploited the Xfactor players. When building his roster, as it was cheap as hell used a punter. He used the QB cash saved to get an Xfactor Center,Tackle and then used Gayle Sayers to cram the ball down peoples throats and that I believe 2 Xfactors on protection. Mainly played for the franchise style which was sort of a wreck. Cpu never utilized their cap area and the draft classes were scripted so you knew who was good afterwards like 3 saves.Probably and unpopular view, but I'd take the scripted courses with entertaining and dynamic storylines over that which we have now.
I am sure it had its flaws however I would literally take a port of Madden'08 franchise mode in to present gen, think that is one of the last iterations that had mini-games as"training camp" in which you could improve ability points/overall, contracts were somewhat more reasonable (IIRC), restricted free service which actually included draft pick reimbursement from AI teams, OC/DC/ST and other teams hiring them away, retired players getting trainers. Seriously, just give me this precise franchise style and I'll be content for the time being.
Last 6, watched it on YouTube, commentators were terrible, 1 dude made a Game of Thrones mention and the guy jumped to call him nerd the broadcast while giving him mathematics problems on the broadcast to prove he was a nerd. While the only adequate commenter a dude went to let him stop, other guy was singing a R&B tune. There are several plays / players with abilities and unrealistic and cheap benefits. Ezekiel Elliott and derrick Henry are both awful offenders. A great deal of players in head to head have one or two cheap glitchy plays that they operate the entire game. I don't even attempt to stop them anymore. I stopped. It is not soccer. It is cheap Madden nfl 20 coins an video game and a glitchy play which will never happen in real life is found by players.