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Diabetic Supplies - Secret Tips to Get Totally Free Diabetes Supplies Delivered to Your Home

What is feline diabetes?Feline diabetes isJames Freeman Diabetes Freedom Review much the same as the diabetes that humans suffer from. With cats, one of the major causes is overeating, and the taking in of too many carbohydrates. What happens to normal is that carbs are broken down into smaller substances and then transported around the body to be used as energy.

When a cat eats too much, the extra carbs are converted to fat and stored. There are many theories about how the fat results in diabetes, but one of the most talked about is that it affects the way insulin works. Insulin is a hormone that promotes the uptake of glucose into cells so that they can be used for energy.

What causes feline diabetes?Given the way diabetes can come about in a cat, one of the top causes of diabetes would be overeating or eating a diet that is too rich in carbs. It can be made even worse if the cat does not do any form of exercise or daily activity. More often than not it is the owners who don't bother to find out what their cats should really be eating. Instead they just buy the dry cat food and unbeknown to them they are putting their cat at risk. By dealing with these two issues alone, diabetes can be very well managed.