Recently a DarkScape player has shared his story through the DarkScape’s Official Forum. First he asked is there ever going to be an update where players can have some sort of chance against a team of 20 players in ahrims against 1 dude? Now you can buy DarkScape Gold to well play it.
What his story is that he died for the third time at blue dragons to a team of a lot of players. The DarkScape Gold is really helpful for when you decide to have a better mark in game. He said that has spent hours and hours training and he cannot keep getting killed every time he gets ahead. He has 88 magic 75 hp 73 agility and a few other stats towards quests.
He is quitting until they fix several type of game mode for 1 v 1 pking this team BS is too much for his play style I am a single player type of dude; that means deadman mode is not for me?
He thought he could come back and play RS after many years being away. He come back to find the same community of the majority of the players are being very rude and disrespectful to players.
Players will go back to other games with a hell of alot better graphics and better community of supportive players.
As he mentioned that is died back 8 years ago. This was a short lived dream of the past for him.
He started playing RS back in classic it was a great game for a while. By the way, the DarkScape Gold is really helpful for him.