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A change was made into RuneScape

Submitted by MMOruki on Tue, 03/16/2021 - 22:10

What Jagex must do, is always remodel Burthope so RS gold it looks interesting. And by remodel, I mean change everything in it. Sure, the buildings are perfectly, but isn't it time that the older armor animators looked a little fresher? And maybe, the Heroes Guild could do with a freshen up, create the dungeon look a bit more frightening, as well as the fountain of Heroes seem beautiful. I perform High Detail, and notably around Burthope I notice things which can be made better. Before you post, will you put in constructive criticism on approaches to improve this proposal, and in a week if I am satisfied that it has got better I'll place it on the Runescape Forums.

The Lootshare update had also contained: A change was made to the mechanisms when a player is killed by a monster. Your items will stay on the ground just visible to you for one minute should you wish to return to recover them. After that, anyone nearby will have the ability to view them. Formerly, if a participant died to a monster the products were looking instantly for everyone.

Though this does help a little, it still has many defects. As an example, if you had died because your internet stopped working and it took you more than a moment to repair it, your thing would have already been public or possibly even gone. If it takes you a long time for a bank, buy a teleport, teleport, and then run to your things, odds are your things are now gone.

With the Lootshare update (and the Trail of Glouphrie update - where players can strike others over a NPC attacking), we know that Jagex can currently control different results when you're killed by a player and when you are murdered by a NPC. Knowing this, why not simply make it so you can select your item priority when murdered by a NPC?

You could go to Doomsayer from Lumbridge and toggle it. A box will come up and let's you choose your items which you keep - just when murdered by a NPC, rather than a player. This solves the problem of changing pking. This would have exactly the exact same result as the update, but just make the outcomes more secure for gamers. Thanks for reading and buy OSRS gold comments are appreciated.