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The Causes and Treatments for Heel Pain

In conclusion, take care of your feet and Fungus Eliminator Review don't get caught out with such a disgusting thing.Did you know that the scientific name for toenail fungus is onychomycosis. Toenail fungus is a disease that many people many experience in their lives. It is something that we don't want to have and feel disgusted with ourselves once we have it. Toenail fungus occurs because our feet are normally in an environment that is warm and moist. Bacteria or fungus love to thrive in this sort of environment.

Luckily their are toenail fungus home remedies out there that work and can be used to cure this disease. Although prevention is always better than cure, one might want to give these two home remedies a shot.Home Remedy 1 - Tea Tree Oil - Apply tea tree oil to the affected region and do so a few times a day until the toe nail fungus isn't there.

The tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic which kills the bacteria. Try not to wear shoes that don't allow the feet to breathe. Open sole shoes might help dramatically.Home Remedy 2 - Mixing baking soda with water and applying it to the toe nail fungus is another natural way of curing the disease. Mix the baking soda and water so that it forms a paste and apply it a few times a day.