We know that one of the risk factors for high Blood Pressure Support Review blood pressure is eating an unhealthy diet. With 1 in 3 Americans dealing with hypertension, the NHLBI began a study through some of the most respected medical facilities in the country to uncover the best eating plan for preventing or lowering high blood pressure.
The study consisted of a control diet, which represented the typical American diet, and two other diets. The third diet, which came to be known as the DASH diet, proved most effective. Their findings: Blood pressure was reduced with an eating plan that is low in Total fat that emphasizes fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products The eating plan also included lots of fruits and vegetables. Doctors saw immediate reductions in blood pressure rates, within two weeks, in those following the DASH eating plan.The importance of these findings cannot be overestimated: With the DASH findings, we now know how to reduce the risk for the two major diet-related causes of strokes and heart disease: cholesterol and high blood pressure.
A second study added a reduction in sodium (salt) intake to the DASH plan. Participants who followed the DASH plan and ate 1500 mg (2/3 tsp) or less of salt daily saw a significant further decrease in their high blood pressure levels.Hypertension is a medical term used to describe a sustained elevation of blood pressure (BP), in either systolic and/or diastolic pressures. Medical journals will give an indication for an "ideal" systolic and diastolic range to be around 120/80 Hg mm. Most readers will think, what has that got to do with me. I am feeling great. Etc. etc. Do you, really.