The amount of chromium needed in the body Shapeshifter Yoga Review varies based on age and mass. The National Academy of Sciences established a list with adequate intake (AI) levels in 2001. In the list, children of 0-6 months need 0.0002 mg chromium whereas men 14-50 years old need 0.035 mg and women 19-50 years old need 0.025 mg. Pregnant and lactating women have different requirements.
The foods richest in chromium are beef and cheese, with 0.057 mg and 0.056 mg chromium per 100 g respectively. Egg yolk, liver, and wholemeal bread follow in the list, with 0.183, 0.055, and 0.045 mg chromium per 100 g respectively. Other good sources include apples, bananas, spinach, and chicken.
Although the amount of chromium needed by the body may sound small, the effects can be profound, especially if you are at risk for diabetes. By paying attention to the smaller details of your diet, you eliminate risks of rarer diseases caused by unusual deficiencies. Of course, the larger picture of the diet should not be forgotten, because these finer elements will not serve their purpose without more important nutrition first.