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Brain Injuries: Advice for Brain Injury Attorneys

Submitted by mroja on Thu, 04/07/2016 - 21:32

A brain injury is a very The Brain Stimulator Method Review serious and very real injury, yet it is very difficult for attorneys to prove in court. Juries cannot "see" a brain injury, and the diagnostic testing will often be normal, even when the impairments are disabling. This leads to brain injury accident victims being routinely under-compensated as insurance companies choose to defend these cases more aggressively in court.

Another common problem is that many injury lawyers often do not understand how multiple injuries can affect, and exacerbate the symptoms of a traumatic brain injury. This interplay from multiple injuries - which is quite common after a serious car accident - causes a "combination effect" on the accident victim, as each of these injuries affects and often makes worse other injuries. This creates the vicious downward spiral that causes so many seriously injured accident victims to deteriorate over time - think of it as the combination effect of multiple injuries causing a vicious interplay of symptoms from a brain injury, other physical injuries, fatigue, depression and pain - all affecting one another and making each one worse in turn.

As many doctors who  treat multiple injuries and chronic pain will say, when people have multiple injuries, problems go up by multiplication, not by addition. With multiple injuries, sadly, 1 + 1 does not always equal 2. Many accident victims begin to deteriorate under this vicious downward cycle of injuries exacerbating one another and the constant pain, fatigue, and lack of sleep, which makes everything worse.