It would be great if your account was linked to a clan rather than individual toons.
For those of us who like to have multiple alts, and belong to larger clans, this would be of great benefit in keeping in contact with your clan.
In other games I have played, when you join a clan all of your characters are associated with that clan rather than just one. Any new characters are automatically associated with the clan.
With the limitation of # of players in a clan, ours does not allow alts (which makes sense). This would make the clan limitation specific to players rather than characters. I think this would also be an incentive for people to level additional characters.
For instance: It would be nice if I could level my other toons and still see guild chat so when they are looking for groups I could bring the appropriate character. Like if I was working on my sin and someone needed a tank I could log on my BM.
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