The essences you need depend on the zone you are in. Up until level 45, for the Blade and Soul gold site most part, you can acquire these essences by simply killing the world bosses present in the surrounding areas (There are also a few wheels that require ‘valor stones’ to use but i will discuss this Blade and Soul gold site later in the article). After level 45 you may find a few wheels that take other items as ‘currency’ which allows you to use them.
In general you can expect the same type of loot from most wheels of fate and they Blade and Soul gold site include: A 3/5 or 8 piece soul shield set, a dobok or a matching hat & adornment to go with the dobok.
Loot: Kaari suit, Kaari weapon, 3/5/8 piece soul shield set or clothing adornments.
World Boss Name: Profane Jiangshi
Location: Orchard of Souls
Estimated Level: 40+
Loot: Profane shroud, Profane weapon, 3/5/8 piece soul shield set or clothing adornments.
Players who have their PvP outfit equipped have their names written in red on Blade and Soul gold site their character, indicating that they are attackable players. In PvP mode, you can attack any player in the world as long as they have red names.