The essences you need depend on the zone you buy BNS gold are in. Up until level 45, for the most part, you can acquire these essences by simply killing the world bosses present in the surrounding areas (There are also a few wheels that require ‘valor stones’ to use but i will discuss this later in buy BNS gold the article). After level 45 you may find a few wheels that take other items as ‘currency’ which allows you to use them.
Along with the 2 main factions, there are a few factions that are hostile against buy BNS gold each other. Check out the screen shot below for more information.
Some Important PvP Rules
You cannot swap gear or doboks while in combat.
Changing from a faction dobok to a neutral one will take five seconds.
Changing from a buy BNS gold neutral costume to a faction costume is instant.
Once this is done and you get to stage 10 you will go through the same process again acquiring different weapons as upgrades and breakthroughs. This stays true until about level 43-45 as there buy BNS gold is a final cap on how much you can upgrade this weapon.