Whole food sources of ionic minerals are your best strategy for The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Review health. By taking a variety of minerals and trace minerals you are also getting important magnesium which should be taken in quantities to match the amount of calcium in your diet. All or the minerals that comprise our bodies need to be replenished from healthy and absorbable sources. By making sure your diet is healthy and varied you will keep your body healthy and strong well into your senior years.Over the last few decades, calcium has been proclaimed to be the solution for keeping bones strong and even rebuilding weak ones. Most of the calcium in your body is stored in your bones and teeth but it has other very important roles in certain body functions.
Calcium is part of the chemical reaction that helps your muscles contract. It is involved with the blood's clotting mechanism and the body uses it in the functioning of cell membranes. Enzyme activity is also assisted by the presence of calcium. If the body is deficient in available calcium, you can have problems with your health and even shorten your life.
In a study in the American Journal of Epidemiology, February 19, 2010, the records of 23,366 Swedish men, aged 45-79 years, who did not take calcium supplements, were studied after they died to determine what effect dietary calcium had on their longevity. Researchers found that men eating diets rich in calcium from food sources, eating up to 2000 mg of calcium in their diet per day, had a lowered risk of dying from all types of causes by 25 percent compared to men who ate half the amount. They also had a 23 percent reduced risk of dying from circulatory and heart disease. Calcium is influential in keeping blood pressure within normal ranges, reducing unhealthy cholesterol levels and helping to normalize sugar levels in the blood.