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Binary Options: 60 Second Options

Submitted by Merlin on Mon, 04/11/2016 - 00:07

Daily Trader Club Review  Traders might want to pay attention to the Asian currencies, in particular the yuan, the Chinese currency which the Chinese government decided earlier to peg to the dollar see our previous post. This in turn makes Chinese exports more expensive, but imports cheaper.

Be on the lookout for trades connected to rises in production expense and major companies such as and Target, who have overseas factories. Other companies which have been cheaper alternatives to American products, such as Toyota and Honda, may also present good trading opportunities.

Chinese stocks and markets are a new opportunity for traders and trade operators should be aware of this and change their platform accordingly. The Asian market will also be influenced by its #2 neighbor. Read more about online trading in the binary options market.

Of course, not everyone agrees that China will be growing so fast. A couple of major problems loom: China's GDP has indeed been growing rapidly in the last 30 years, but that could be because it has a while until it reaches a high rank. Chinese GDP is still below the 100th rank in the global economy. Another factor making it difficult for China to climb to the top is the state of the current global economy, the decrease in demand for exports and the rise of unemployment.