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The Best Way to Exercise Thighs & Tone Bums

Submitted by Norberto on Thu, 09/24/2020 - 01:04

Many of my clients have complained that Biotox Gold keeping a food log is difficult habit to get into. I suspect this is mostly because their meals are squeezed into their busy schedules and they are having hard time writing down their food. The other issue they run into is that they do not like carrying a food log notebook around with them everywhere.

Your camera phone can help solve these problems by acting as your food log. Before you eat your meal just snap a picture of it. At the end of the day or when you have time to get your food log caught up, go through and review all your pictures. I do not suggest going more then one day without reviewing all your meals. If you start going several days without updating your log you may start to miss details about certain meals. Also, part of keeping a food log is the awareness you create of the amount of food that you are consuming, simply taking a picture and forgetting doesn't help this.

One thing I find that makes food logging easier with camera phones is setting up your phone to email the picture to yourself. By emailing the pictures to yourself makes it easier to review all your meals at the end of the day. Another tip is to add notes to the image such as how much food you ate, where you ate the food, the mood you were in when you ate the meal, and any condiments you might have added.I was asked the question the other day as to whether or not you could achieve fat loss by drinking water, so I decided to look into it. I have always known that drinking plenty of water throughout the day is vital to keeping the internal workings of the body going efficiently, but I had never really thought about this liquid as a weight loss aid before. Here is what I was able to find out.