This could be caused by physical damage, blockage, infection Ring Ease Review or eczema. Conventional hearing aids take sounds from outside the ear, and then amplify this sound and play it back to the inner ear. There are specialist HAs known as bone conduction hearing aids, these act very differently to the conventional HAs.Conventional external HAs can be usually classified separately into the air conduction hearing aid and bone conduction hearing aids.
Air conduction HAs need the employment of ear molds, that might be cryptic in patients with protracted middle ear and ear canal infections, atresia of the outer canal, or an ear canal that cannot allow entry of an ear mold.So a new sort of hearing help has been developed namely the bone conduction hearing aid, and use an oscillator. It amplifies sounds from the exterior of the ear and vibrates onto the head bone.
This is a signal that's picked up by the inner ear. There's major difference between Bone Conduction Hearing Aids and other models available today on the market. Both take the sound from outside the ear.However, a traditional model amplifies the sound inside the middle ear, in the ear mould. The inner ear then receives the sounds from the ear mould. The "bone" system is quite different.