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The best places in Houston to take your prom photos

Submitted by bluimaid on Sun, 12/13/2015 - 21:05


Houston will soon be right in the thick of prom season as high-schoolers from around the area begin getting ready for the best night of their lives (well, so far at least).

RELATED: Houston HS drops demand for pre-approval photo of prom dresses

You can always pick the prom parties out from the quincea?era groups as they mostly never wear matching outfits, unlike prom

Parents of high school age girls know that accidentally wearing the same dress to prom as another girl is the most mortifying experience ever and will haunt your dreams for decades, if not your whole life.

If you are planning your prom night photos, we suggest a handful of venues in Downtown Houston that should set the night off right.

"Everybody had tons of dresses that were just sitting in their closet that they weren't using," said Bailey Hayek, the sorority's philanthropy director, "so people were really excited to donate."

They received shipments of huge boxes full of dresses from members' hometowns — as far away as Long Island and Rhode Island — as well as a 40-dress donation from a local boutique, Kelsey's Kloset, Hayek said.

The social services department hosted a similar event last year, which some of their student interns organized, said Dee Dee Bass Wilbon, the department's internal and external affairs liaison. But this is the department's first year working with CASA and Kappa Alpha Theta.

With many options for dresses, they wanted to create a fun shopping experience for the girls — without the stress of prices, said Hayek, a junior journalism major.