Fresh fruits and produce should beBiotox Nutrition Review the basis of any body detox program. Fresh fruits are full of antioxidants and natural vitamin water to keep you feeling fresh and light. Antioxidants are known to help the body fight cancers so you get that extra natural immune boost, too.
Fresh vegetables contain natural minerals and other compounds to help you get your nutritional boost without all the extra calories. Celery is one of the best to beat the heat with. It is an all around body detoxifier that is high in Vitamin C and a compound called phthalides, which research shows helps lower blood pressure and even reduces stress hormones. The natural balance of sodium and potassium also help regulate fluid balance and stimulate urine production, which helps your body eliminate excess fluids.
Speaking of sodium, avoid table salt and high sodium processed foods during your summer body detox. Unfortunately, most of our dietary salt comes not from healthy, balanced sources such as celery, but from processed foods because it is a cheap preservative as well as an appetite stimulate. And salt addiction is a real phenomenon that can drain energy, promote fat storage and increase unhealthy food cravings.