This particular kettlebell lift is a tremendous Cardio Clear 7 Reviewstrength endurance lift that incorporates hundreds of your muscles and about 80% of your body's total effort to pull it off. This particular exercise basically involves you having to swing the iron bell with both arms back and forth like a pendulum from between your legs up to at least chest level.
This sounds easy, but trust me you will not think so after executing 20 or 30 of these in a row with perfect form and with a moderately heavy bell. To step up the intensity of this particular exercise even more you can implement a tactic that I like to use that involves timed sets. For instance, you may set a time limit of like 30 seconds to execute a set of swings. The objective is to try to execute as many repetitions of the swings as you possibly can within the 30 second time limit. Once again, you will want to be 100% confident in your technique before attempting this particular strategy. You will also want to perform this strategy with a workout partner so that you can have him or her keep up with both the time and reps while you are swinging and then you can switch roles. This is certainly a hard hitting cardiovascular exercise for superior weight loss and it will also give you the cardiovascular fitness of a race horse!
Timed kettlebell swings will get you to where you are wanting to go if you are about getting results my friend. If you are interested in other cool training strategies like this one feel free to access the rest of my articles on the subject for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend. Give it a try!