Due to IBS being such a far-reachingLion Hrt Reviewproblem, there exists a variety of standard medical treatments which ranges from stress management techniques like hypnosis to prescription and over the counter medications. Many people continuously suffer from IBS symptoms despite receiving treatment and are seeking new, safe, effective and reliable ways to combat the disorder.
A study in 2006, at St. Georges Hospital Medical School in London, was conducted to test the efficacy of aloe vera for IBS. Aloe was proven to be a safe, effective treatment for IBS. A further study showed aloe vera to be equally as effective as currently prescribed drugs, but without the unwanted side effects. Research has not revealed why aloe vera works so well to ease the symptoms of IBS, but they suspect it is due to a combination of effects of all the compounds found in the Aloe vera plant. Aloe vera was deemed to be safe by researchers they are encouraging more long term studies to determine the continued benefits of long-term use of using Aloe.
These results are unsurprising because the benefits of Aloe vera are well documented throughout history. The major uses of this miracle plant were for stomach complaints, salves for skin complaints, and beauty treatments. To find out more about these benefits for IBS or any other stomach related condition visit my blog The Aloe Vera Miracle
Malcolm Smith is an avid health fanatic, who is fascinated by anything nutrition, medical, scientific, and natural. He loves researching health and fitness related topics on the Internet and writing articles about them. Other interests include technology, politics, sport and entertainment.