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Affirmations Vs Declarations, Is There a Difference in The Law of Attraction?

The highly esteemed oriental expert and philosopher Dr Lin Total Money Magnetism Review Yutang stated that "if their is any one book in all of Oriental literature which should be read above all others it is Lao Tzu's book of Tao.To me the Tao is both a mystical and practical course on how to live a life of peace and happiness. It is every bit as needed now...perhaps more so... as when it was written by consciousness through Lao Tzu 5,000 years ago.

I have found reading, meditating upon and living daily the Tao to be a remarkable journey. The Tao is a life inspiring and changing book. If you are ready it will take you deep into the core of your being...and if you are prepared answer for you the meaning of life, and the life below heaven in the world of the 10,000 Things.

Come take the first step with me on this magical journey. An old chinese proverb states "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. And as Lao Tzu stated in the Tao "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step".Sometimes, out of ignorance, and a seeming show of humility, some Christians pray to God saying: 'we're nothing thy sight", or you'll hear "we're but dung before thee." What a terrible act of self devaluation! The reason such folks talk like that is because of their ignorance of the scriptures! I would to God they knew just how special and precious they are before God!