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7 Things You Need to Know About Grass Fed Beef

Grass fed beef is oftentimes preferred by people who are conscious of the food they eat. Most people believe that grass finished beef tastes better than grain finished beef, but it's actually not true! Grain finishing can produce a more tender and flavorful steak with less fat content. The only major difference between the two types of meat is that grassfed beef has higher levels of omega-3s which most Americans don't get enough of in their diet. To find out more about what to look for when shopping for grass fed beef, read this blog post!

Grass fed beef is mainly raised on pastures or rangelands.

It is always better to buy grassfed meat from local farmers since it reduces the carbon footprint and supports your community economy.

Grassfed beef contains saturated fats which raises our cholesterol levels but grass finished beef has a good amount of omega-three fatty acids that can help lower blood pressure, LDL cholesterol levels, and triglyceride concentrations in the body while raising HDL (good) cholesterol levels. Omega–six fat helps us fight inflammation too!

Grass fed cows are allowed to roam around in open pastures and this helps keep the soil healthy and prevents erosion. The manure from the cows also fertilizes the land which helps make it more productive for other plants to grow on, sequestering more carbon in the process.

A grass finished cow usually has a much longer lifespan than a grain finished cow; about two years longer. This is due to them being able to live a healthier life without all of the growth hormones, antibiotics and other medications that are routinely given to factory-farmed animals.

Beef is an excellent source of protein, zinc, selenium, vitamin B12 and iron. It can be difficult to find beef that is 100% grass fed, so if you're unable to find grass fed beef at your local grocery store, look for higher quality meat that is organic and 100% grass finished.

Grass fed cows are better able to absorb all of the nutrients in their food which helps them be healthier than factory-farmed animals. This means they do not need as many antibiotics or growth hormones which also benefits us when we eat it! Eating too much grain can cause an acidic environment in the digestive tract due to phytates (anti-nutrients), but eating more fresh fruits and vegetables will help balance out any acidity caused by grains while still providing fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Grass finished beef is a great source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which has been shown to reduce body fat and increase muscle mass. Grass fed cows have higher levels of omega-three fatty acids, beta carotene, vitamin E, and CLA than their grain-fed counterparts. Grain-finishing cattle increases the amount of unhealthy saturated fats in the meat while grass finishing results in healthier monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Grass fed beef is lower in calories and cholesterol than conventionally raised beef.


Grass-fed beef is a good choice for people who are more concerned about the health of their body. The nutritional value of grass-fed beef is higher than you might expect, and it tastes better too! But there's another reason why some people choose to eat this type of meat...for ethical reasons. Is your food source important to you? If so, then make sure that before making any decision on what kind of meat or dairy products to buy, you learn all about how cows are treated when they're raised in different environments.