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3 Tips For Getting Started on a Raw Foods Diet

Most people have a sugar addiction. Nootrogen ReviewThis may be addiction to chocolate, bakery treats, biscuits and breads. Even so called "healthy" foods have sugar added to them.

Sugar can be found in tinned tomatoes, soup, yogurt, breakfast cereals, fruit juices, frozen meals and so much more. If you check the ingredients list on some of your items in the pantry you will find a lot of sugar.

Vitamin E is a term used to describe two different groups of molecules: tocopherols and tocotrienols. Both forms of Vitamin E act as powerful antioxidants, but recent studies have shown that the tocotrienol form of the vitamin is actually more potent. Up until 2003, only two major sources of natural tocotrienol existed: palm and rice. Both sources contain a significant amount of alpha-tocopherol, which interferes with the benefits of tocotrienols. It wasn't until the discovery of the annatto plant by Dr. Barrie Tan that a pure source of vitamin E tocotrienols was known.