Go on a fad diet! Who needs a natural diet Lean Body Hacks Reviewwhen you can just starve yourself, completely eliminate carbs and fats, drink lemonade or eat bananas all day, or do some other type of exciting unnatural diet technique? I mean, it is MUCH better to have digestive problems, a loss of energy, a messed up metabolism, and so much more!
Only do cardio, and forget about building lean muscle! Do not, I repeat, DO NOT touch any weight lifting equipment or do anything related to building lean muscle. All that does is increases your metabolism and resting metabolism... which burns off a lot of calories... even while you rest. Why would you want that to happen? Listen, to get no results, the best thing to do is spend 60 minutes or more doing nothing but cardio! It's freaking awesome!
Just pop some diet pills and be happy! Forget about dieting, forget about exercising, and forget about doing all the other things that so-called "experts" say do and just go pop some diet pills. Who cares if you end up with problems with your heart and other issues?! Oh, and make sure you order an unknown brand online from an unknown website!