Choosing Godly friends is so important. Friends have a tremendous impact upon how we think, feel, act and behave. The Bible says in Proverbs 12:26, "The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray." It is difficult to obtain Godly friendships. Many teens today, who grow up in rural communities like the one I did, may have the same peers in their lives from the time they are a small child, until they graduate high school. Therefore, their choice of friendships is limited. When I was a teen, I had the same friends that I had met in preschool at the age of three at least for the most part. These friends did not always uphold and follow the same morals and beliefs that I held. I soon found out who my "real Godly friendships" were just by the way they would react to my standing up for what was right or setting myself apart from what was wrong.
As a teenager, this was hard to do, but now, almost 10 years since my high school graduation I am glad I did so all during high school. I value the friends who stood by me, whether they agreed with me or not, and even more so I am thankful that God always sends the people you need into your life. Because, now as an adult, I still maintain some of my old friendships, but I have also created new friendships, and God has given me true friendships where the Lord is the Lord of them. I am now blessed with a group of girlfriends who share my same beliefs, encourage my convictions, and hold me accountable for my actions. They also pray for me, cry with me, and celebrate with me. I am thankful to be experiencing the whole range of lifetime friendships that God has blessed me with.
Awareness is the foundation for freedom from the delusion of stressful expectations. Watch your thoughts as they come up when you start projecting stressful expectations. Ask yourself, what belief is behind that thought? You will find that by honest inquiry, you can challenge yourself to resolve any stressful belief. Sit with your thoughts, see them for what they are and you will start to have conscious control over them. As awareness comes to the front of consciousness, stress is resolved. Your awareness will meet any question and conflict with kindness. Awareness will welcome you home to yourself.