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Types of Urns You Can Choose for Your Loved Ones

Submitted by urnsuk on Thu, 12/29/2022 - 00:50

The death of a loved one is one of the most difficult situations in life. You're grieving, and you may not know what to do next. One way to remember them is through an urn. There are many types of urns that can help you hold onto the memories of your loved ones. Let's take a look at some of these different types and see if any fit with your needs:

Traditional Urns

Traditional urns can be made from a variety of materials, including wood and metal. They are typically larger than keepsake urns and can house the entire body of the deceased. This makes them a great option for those who want to honour their loved one by scattering their ashes in more places, like at sea or on land. Some traditional urns that hold cremains have handles so you can easily carry them around with you when travelling.

Keepsake Urns

Keepsake urns are the smallest of the five types, and therefore more affordable than other options. They can be kept on a dresser or in a small box by your bedside and are often used to hold just a small amount of ashes.

Keepsake urns are better for people who want to keep their loved one close to them, rather than keeping them in a larger urn and putting them on display somewhere else in their home or office space.

Biodegradable Urns

Biodegradable urns are a good option for those who want to be environmentally friendly. Biodegradable urns are made from natural materials such as wood, clay or paper. These types of urns will break down over time when buried or placed in a backyard setting that is not disturbed by animals or other people. However, biodegradable urns are not recommended for ashes that will be scattered in a cemetery or on private property because they can become an eyesore if they do not break down properly and cause damage to trees, grasses and flowers surrounding them.

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