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Most Accurate and Affordable DNA Test in India

Submitted by dnacenter on Tue, 02/14/2023 - 00:37

DNA is an organic molecule that contains a person's genetic information. It also contains the instructions for making the proteins required for the body to function. A DNA test is the only accurate & reliable way of establishing an individual's biological identification. It can be a real lifesaver & is often the only chance to determine a genetic relationship for legal cases or peace of mind. The cost of DNA tests in India varies depending on the kind of test. We are among the best DNA test centers in India. We provide various types of DNA tests under one roof, including AABB-accredited Immigration DNA Tests and more.

Types of DNA Tests in India

Following are the various types of DNA tests in India you can get for yourself:

Paternity DNA Test: For alleged father and daughter/son relationship.

Maternity DNA Test: To confirm the biological relationship between a child & the alleged mother.

Paternity Trio DNA Test in India: For the Paternity trio DNA test, the samples are collected from the alleged mother, alleged father, and child.

Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity DNA test (No Sex Determination): Non-invasive prenatal paternity DNA test in India can prove the paternity of an unborn baby.

Siblingship DNA Test: To establish the genetic relationship between two alleged siblings (brothers/sisters). This test is done in two different configurations - Half Siblingship DNA Test & Full Siblingship DNA test.

Grandparentage DNA Test: A grandparentage DNA test in India determines the genetic relationship between grandchildren & grandparents. It is an alternative test for maternity & paternity.

Immigration DNA Test in India: It becomes essential to prove the biological relationship between the beneficiary and the petitioner with an immigration DNA test. We offer embassy-approved Immigration AABB DNA tests in India for the USA at competitive prices.

Ancestry DNA Test in India: Ancestry DNA test in India is the best method to learn more about your ancestral past. Following are the types of Ancestry DNA tests in India:

  • Paternal Lineage Ancestry DNA Test
  • Maternal Lineage Ancestry DNA Test
  • GPS Origins Ancestry DNA Test

Why is DDC Laboratories India Among the Best DNA Test Centers in India?

DDC Laboratories India is among the most respected DNA test centers in India. We are the only company to provide AABB-accredited Immigration DNA tests in India for the USA. Furthermore, we are the only providers of MOJ and NATA- accredited Immigration DNA tests for the UK and Australia, respectively.

If you are working or do not have time to visit our testing lab, you can opt for home collection. Moreover, you can also get our DNA testing kit online and take the sample for yourself. All of this makes us among the most desirable DNA testing labs in India. We release the test results within 3-5 working days.

For further queries, call our DNA test center in India at +91 7042446667. You can also chat with us on WhatsApp at +91 9266615552.