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Can a Psychologist Help With ADHD?

ADHD treatment
The symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) differ from person to person. This means that treatment for the disorder varies from person to person.
I asked a prominent ADHD psychologist near me what constitutes treatment for the disorder. She mentioned that the treatment could include medication. She also observed that changes in lifestyle, such as proper diet and outdoor exercise, could help reduce ADHD symptoms.
How cognitive behavioral therapy helps in ADHD treatment
Success stories from ADHD evaluations near me show that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) significantly helps those with ADHD improve focus and minimize distractions.
Leading ADHD specialists in the ADHD assessments Lake Oregon network agree that children and adults with ADHD can develop drug and alcohol problems if not treated properly.
Consequences of untreated ADHD
Untreated ADHD children are more likely to drop out of high school. That is why proper treatment is critical in assisting patients in organizing their lives, holding steady jobs, and taking care of themselves.
This brings me to a question that a friend of mine recently posed to a renowned healthcare provider at a leading facility providing ADHD assessment near me when we met at a mental health seminar organized by the ADHD assessments Lake Oswego network of behavioral psychologists. "Can a psychologist help with ADHD?" was the question.
I will try to highlight the responses that the healthcare provider provided, as well as my findings on the matter from various sources of literature that I reviewed, in the section after this in this article.
Psychologists’ help with ADHD
The answer to whether psychologists can help with ADHD is a resounding yes! Psychologists are well-equipped to treat ADHD with various types of behavioral therapies, such as CBT, which help people with the disorder improve focus and reduce distractions.
In fact, as I was writing this article, I called a nearby ADHD specialist to clarify some points, and she informed me about the various types of Psychologist Lake Oswego who provide ADHD diagnosis and treatment.
For example, she mentioned school and criminal psychologists in Lake Oswego who provide exceptional ADHD assessments. These psychologists have received extensive training in order to accurately diagnose ADHD. As a result, when seeking special education services for children and adolescents who have or are suspected of having ADHD, a school psychologist may be very helpful.
In addition to conducting thorough ADHD evaluations, many psychologists, including clinical psychologists, provide various behavioral therapies to treat ADHD.
The only thing that psychologists cannot do in terms of ADHD treatment is to prescribe medication. They do, however, assist with the necessary referrals to healthcare providers within their healthcare networks in order for ADHD patients to receive medication. This is because medications can be extremely beneficial to people with ADHD.
If you have concerns about ADHD, you can therefore visit a psychologist for in-depth behavioral treatment and your physician for medication treatment.
Need a psychologist to help with ADHD?
If you need help finding a psychologist to help you with ADHD issues, reach out to Whole Child Collective at (503) 832-6094 or (503) 387-3941 for assistance. You can also click here to send them an inquiry email.