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LUCASOL One Step Hospital Grade Disinfectant – Gallon

Products Image: is offering LUCASOL One Step Hospital Grade Disinfectant – Gallon at now in best prices. Product Feature 1 : {Lucasol One Step Hospital Grade Concentrate Disinfectant has a 100% kill rate of bacteria, viruses, and fungus in 10 minutes. It appears on the EPA’s List N: effective in killing COVID-19 in 10 minutes. Use to disinfect any non-porus surface such as tanning beds, massage tables, gym equipment, patient rooms, staff rooms, waiting areas and any other hard surface which needs disinfecting or sanitizing.} Product Feature 2 : {This is a concentrated disinfectant. Mix 2 ounces per gallon of water. Follow directions for use and precautions on the bottle’s label before use. EPA registration numbe: 1839-79-3974 Size: 128 fl. oz} Product Prices :- {$35.00} <a href="">LUCASOL One Step Hospital Grade Disinfectant – Gallon</a>