Best email hosting Singapore is a service in which a hosting provider rents out email servers to its users. While there are free versions available with many hosting companies, many businesses take advantage of the flexibility and power of professional email services. Professional email hosting takes place when both incoming and outgoing emails are managed by a separate shared or dedicated mail server.In addition to the professionalism that having your own domain in your email provides, it’s advised to consider upgrading to email hosting instead of putting your data in the hands of a free email service like Google or Yahoo. Businesses pay for this service so that if something goes wrong, someone is there to help.
Oliveasia Pte Ltd offers email hosting with our domain hosting packages. However, this entry-level service doesn’t offer the same features as our premium email. With premium plans, you get dedicated custom email platforms where your email host can manage an email linked to a domain name and implement any email authentication scheme that you want in place.
Oliveasia Pte Ltd provides secured business email hosting services for your company. Bundled with open-source spam filters to help filter out unwanted emails and spams.DKIM and reverse DNS is setup to enable better deliverability of your emails. Our Email hosting plans come with control panels to manage your email accounts, blacklist/whitelist, and quota for your employees.
Email hosting is a service in which your email messages and associated files are all stored on a server. When you receive an email to your website’s domain address, the email is routed across the internet and stored on the recipient server. At this point, the server administrators will determine which action to take (reply or ignore) bearing in mind any spam filters, re-routing requests and if the sender is on any blacklists.
The best email hosting singapore can be the same server that’s hosting your website content, a server managed by another host, or two different servers managed by the same hosting company. Email hosting providers might specialize in offering only email hosting services, but it’s more typical for companies to offer bundled emails and web hosting packages these days.Are you looking for the best email hosting and web hosting company? Oliveasia provides the best email hosting and web hosting service in Singapore. Contact us now - +65 6483 7635 for more information best email hosting singapore.
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