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Barbecue Sauce “How to Make From Scratch!”

Barbecue sauce is a type of savory liquid seasoning created as an accompaniment to barbecue dishes. Generally, the consistency of the sauce ranges from thin to thick. While these sauces are primarily associated with basting or garnishing meats, after grilling, broiling, or broiling, they are so popular these days with vegetables. These sauces are available in a variety of flavors ranging from sour, sweet, tangy, and spicy or are a mix of all of these.

The common ingredients used for these sauces are sweeteners, vinegar, onions, garlic, herbs, and spices. However, consistency and proportions are based on regional differences. The origin of BBq sauces is quite murky. Some date it back to the 15th century; a discovery made by Columbus and reported on his return journey from Hispaniola. While popular belief reports it as the invention of 17th century America, it gradually spread to the West.

The first bottle of BBq officially marketed dates back to 1926, by Louis Maull Co.

Some popular American-style BBq sauces are

Kansas City Reddish brown tomato, molasses

South Carolina: vinegar, mustard, black pepper

North Carolina: liquid vinegar, chili flakes

Alabama: white mayonnaise

Texas: tomato sauce, hot peppers, cumin

Arkansas: Fine Tomato, Pepper Vinegar Sauce and Molasses

Over time these sauces have adopted international flavors, some oriental varieties found are
the teriyaki or Caribbean flavors of Jamaica.

A recipe to try at home

2 cups - tomato sauce

1/2 cup tomato sauce

4 tablespoons brown sugar

4 tablespoons - Mustard

1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar

2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

1/2 cup of water

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1/2 teaspoon salt

Mix all ingredients. And bring to a boil, uncovered, over medium heat. Reduce heat further
and simmer, uncovered, until sauce thickens slightly. Store in an airtight bottle or jar in the refrigerator. It should last fifteen days or more.

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