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The almanac that Dixie had mentioned

There was a Birkenhead Boys balloon at Prenton Arena Fields in the morning starting at about nine o'clock. I denticulate six goals in the bout and afresh me and the draft of the lads in the aggregation got on our bikes and abject down to Birkenhead Esplanade to play accession bout starting at 11 o'clock FIFA 16 Coins.I denticulate accession six goals for them and afresh in the afternoon played for a aggregation declared Melville and denticulate accession six. So that was 18 in three games, so I wasn't too afraid if I got 60 in a analysis for Everton.


The almanac that Dixie had mentioned was in the 1927/28 season, the aloft analysis that Everton won the Championship FIFA 16 Points. The almanac had been set the antecedent analysis by George Camsell who had denticulate 59 goals.There were two abecedarian larboard of the analysis and Dixie had a commemoration of 53. In the penultimate adventurous adjoin Burnley, he had denticulate four goals afore bisected time.