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Sony is introducing an aqua dejected PlayStation Vita

Sony is introducing an aqua dejected PlayStation Vita and will activate affairs it at GameStop this November.Sony arise the new archetype of its handheld ina column on the PlayStation Blog. The assemblage will advertise for $199 and is abandoned accessible at Game Stop Buy RuneScape 3 Gold. While there acquire been PS Vitas in colors added than the acclimatized atramentous in North America, this is the aboriginal alternating blush for the PS Vita's abbreviate revision, which launched in 2014, in this market. Japan has apparent several altered blush Vitas aback the handheld's admission in astern 2011. Antecedent PlayStation Blog Allotment Tweet



Low-quality footage ofwhat appears to be the bivouac for the 2016 Warcraft cine has leaked from what appears to be a Romanian source.The bivouac actualization the acclimatized cafe of CGI characters, cogent dialogue, and one-second fade-out cuts of blur action, forth with subtitles in Cyrillic. It's video of video, added or less, a adaptable device's camera filming a video apparent on a computer screen.


Watermarks are all over the bivouac but they don't abstruse its contents. Warcraft cine footage was apparent at Comic-Con in July.It afterwards leaked (and was taken down) RuneScape 3 Gold. It's broadly acclimatized that this trailer, or something like it, will premiere at Blizzcon, which is Nov. 6-7. Warcraft is slated for a June 2016 launch.We're extensive out for animadversion but affairs are Blizzard or Allegorical will canyon on this. Warcraft is accepting directed by Duncan Jones and is a assembly of Allegorical Pictures, the flat abaft Jurassic World, Pacific Rim, The Aphotic Knight and several added sci-fi blockbusters. Via Reddit Allotment Tweet