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Biomolecules and life

Submitted by alisa on Wed, 05/17/2017 - 22:22

The theory of living in the molecular mechanism of aging is pointed out that the organism is an unstable chemical system and belongs to the dissipative structure. The various biomolecules in the system have a large number of active groups, which inevitably interact with each other to cause the chemical molecules to slowly cross-link to chemically stabilize. With the passage of time, the degree of cross-linking increases, the active consumption of biological molecules continue to reduce the original molecular structure gradually changed, the accumulation of these changes will make biological tissue gradually aging phenomenon. These changes in biomolecules or genes, on the one hand, exhibit different activity or even a completely altered gene product, and on the other hand interfere with the recognition and binding of RNA polymerases, thereby affecting transcriptional activity, showing that the transcriptional activity of the gene progressively Loss, to promote the cells, the organization of progressive and regular phenotypic changes and even death.

Biomolecule natural cross-linking theory that the molecular mechanism of biological aging of the basic arguments can be summarized as follows: First, a variety of biological molecules is not static, but with the passage of time according to a certain natural mode of progressive natural cross-linking. Second, the progressive nature of the cross-linking of biological molecules slowly, intermolecular bond can continue to increase, gradually polymerized, solubility and swelling ability gradually reduced and lost, the phenotype is characterized by cells and tissues appear old state. Thirdly, the progressive nature of cross-linking leads to the orderly inactivation of genes, so that cells grow and divide in a specific pattern, so that the organisms show the process of dynamic changes in programmed and patterned growth, development, aging and death.

With age, the important molecules of life have increased cross-linking tendency, or in the same molecule or between different molecules may produce cross-linking bonds to change the molecular physical and chemical properties, so that it can not function properly. Extracellular collagen cross-linking has been as mentioned above, this is the idea of ??intracellular macromolecules such as nucleic acids, proteins will be cross-linked, but so far in the body has not been confirmed. It is only a speculation that cross-linking is the primary factor of aging, but it is, after all, a way to study aging.instantly ageless website is the symbol of female aging,how to prevent the wrinkle become the important things to is also one of the hot topic recent years,there are many methods to delay senescence,where to buy instantly ageless ?we recommend two methods to solve your problems,first is the Instantly Ageless Anti-Wrinkle Cream,your wrinkle can be removed instantly,second is managing your meals,eating more healthy food to reduce wrinkle.