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Dogs Grooming Basics

Submitted by sagasan on Sun, 02/12/2017 - 20:19

Menadione Derivatives - Also known as Vitamin K3, you will see this synthetic additive listed under a variety of names, including menadione sodium bisulfate, BarkBox menadione sodium bisulfite, menadione dimethylprimidinol sulfate, menadione dimethylprimidinol sulfite or menadione dimethylpyrimidinol bisulfite, often accompanied with the description "a source of Vitamin K" or "Vitamin K activity". Note that some manufacturers will omit the word menadione from the label (i.e. menadione sodium bisulfate is listed as sodium bisulfate). Menadione has been associated with many adverse effects, including irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, allergic reactions, eczema, mutagenic effects, weakening of the immune system, cytotoxicity in liver cells, and carcinogenic effects. It has been banned by many European countries for use in human food.
Meat Sources

This is, perhaps, one of the most important ingredients to be aware of as dogs are carnivorous and absolutely must have proper meat sources and adequate protein in their diet to maintain their health. Recently, there has been a trend in making vegetarian dog food to appease dog owners who abstain from meat themselves. Understandably, many people avoid meat for ethical reasons, but dogs are not ethically-driven creatures and are not biologically designed to live without animal protein. With that said, all animal protein is not created equal, and as we are about to discover, there are great sources of protein for your dog, mediocre sources, and downright appalling sources of protein that are found in many common dog foods.