Flexibility is important for good position, it affects the way how your body looks when you stand up, for example if you have short and tight muscles at your neck then this will push your head to angle forward. If you have tight shoulders and chest then your shoulders bend inward. If you have a tight lower back so your back will look curved, by practicing a scheduled stretching plan you get rid of pain and you feel more comfortable, especially in your lower back. As soon as you begin doing the stretching activity you will notice that the pain has gone. The stretching activities can also maintain your muscle balances. For example if the muscles of your front thigh are big, and those of your rear thighs are closely and they have lack of physical Trouble Spot Nutrition strength, in such situation your body will rely on your front thighs more that it should be. Stretching can help you balancing the weight of your body, and gives you the ability to move so easy and with a great fluidity. Examination of the heart involves the skills of inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation, although the later is the most significant.
Overall assessment of cardiac function involves a comprehensive evaluation of pulse, blood pressure, respiratory function and general physical growth and development. The doctor must be familiar with the anatomy and physiology of the normal heart in order to properly evaluate the findings. The Apex is located at the left mid-clavicular line and fifth intercostals space or mitrial area. The heart of the infant is more horizontally positioned; therefore, the apex is higher (third to fourth intercostals space) and to the left of the mid-clavicular line. The apical impulse, or point of maximum impulse, is normally located at the apex. Inspection While examining the chest, any obvious bulging is noted, especially on the left side, which may indicate cardiac enlargement. This is best done by observing the child sitting and looking at the anterior chest wall from an angle, comparing both sides of the rib cage to each other. Normally they should be symmetric in children with thin chest walls, the point of maximum impulse, or apical pulse, is sometimes apparent as a pulsation