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CSGO would be signing the ex-Nihlium quad

Submitted by CSGOSK on Tue, 06/14/2016 - 17:54

Our mission at GosuGamers is to CSGO Skins deliver the highest quality e-sports content.coverage.North American eSports organization compLexity has revealed that??Soham “valens” Chowdhury will be stepping down from their roster, effective CSGOSK.COM pLexity returned to CS:GO just this August as they revealed that they would be signing the ex-Nihlium quad,

spear-headed by Kory "semphis" Friesen who previously played under the compLexity banner with the roster that was enventually signed by Cloud9. Now, the team has revealed that one of their starters,?Soham “valens” Chowdhury,
will be stepping down from the roster as part of his plans to CS GO Skins retire from the professional scene. compLexity had the following to say on his departure: Today we are announcing that Soham “Valens” Chowdhury has decided to step down from our active roster.