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Blade & Soul - Joint CC as a KFM

Submitted by luckyowl on Wed, 05/11/2016 - 17:24

There are often situations in which a boss can be CC'ed to reduce its damage output or to interrupt a certain mechanic. Generally, knockbacks are not favored as they displace the boss, and knockups heavily reduce the damage output of the party, especially from melee classes. Knockdowns are arguably the most plentiful and available form of CC across all classes, while dazes and stuns are typically rarer, but may make some important moves available for use. Grapples and grabs can increase the party damage output or suppress any actions from the boss for an extended duration. KFMs always have a joint knock-down in their kit, regardless of spec. They typically also spec for a joint stun, and can also spec for a joint daze if needed.

-Leg Sweep (3) and Tiger's Pounce (LMB) are the components of the joint knockdown. Tiger's Pounce is only made available after a Backstep, so performing a solo knockdown on a boss typically means burning the Backstep cooldown. However, the cooldowns and cast times for both these moves are fairly short. Performing the Tiger's Pounce first will mean less time between the two knockdowns, decreasing the chance for failure due to improper timing or an unlucky CC resist from the boss. However, performing Leg Sweep first may have benefits when interrupting mechanics. In the case that the timing is too late, the Backstep to prepare the Tiger's Pounce can mitigate the damage that was supposed to be interrupted.
-Rising Dragon (Z) and Tremor (V) are the components of the joint stun. Rising Dragon has a noticeable ending lag, where the damage and stun will land early in the animation, but the player will not be able to take any other actions until a while later. Because of this, common practice is to cast Tremor followed by Rising Dragon for a solo stun. Rising Dragon also has a slightly shorter cooldown than Tremor, but both moves have a much longer cooldown compared to the joint knockdown moves.
-Comet Strike (4) and Flurry (C) are the components of the joint daze. However, speccing for the joint daze is costly in a way. The Comet Strike that applies daze requires a Royal Zen Bean to be unlocked, which not all players have easy access to, (my biggest mistake) and Flurry can be specced also for a long-lasting i-frame. There is a way for Comet Strike to be cast in quick succession, allowing Flurry to be left as specced for the i-frame, and this is covered in a later section.
All in all, use the above moves to contribute to joint CC attempts by the party, or to solo CC the boss. Doing so reduces damage output from the boss and may increase party damage output.

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